Sunday, July 28, 2013

TKES: Staying Ahead of The Curve

I don't know about you, but I want to be an informed teacher. I do not like surprises. The state of Georgia is moving to a new teacher evaluation system, and recently I've spent some time going over the standards and expectations.

Guess what? I am completely overwhelmed. These standards will keep teachers on our toes for sure. Administrators will be evaluating frequently throughout the year using specific rubrics, and students will be able to assess our teaching as well.

So, what is a teacher seeking excellence to do? Well, first take a deep breathe. Then, we must remember that teaching requires passion, but also planning. To plan effectively, excellent teachers must be informed. I suggest that teachers read the TKES handbook. My hope is to make a hardcopy, read, and do some highlighting. I did the same with the Common Core Standards, and it helped me to focus my instruction.

This is a one page document highlighting the most important components for teacher.

Link to the TKES handbook

TKES Performance Standards and Rubrics

Many times, teachers receive these big documents, and feel completely overwhelmed. It is fine and normal to have those feelings. But, we, as teachers, can't ignore that this is how we will be evaluated. As teachers of excellence, we must learn the standards and use them to gauge our instruction, so we can receive those "exemplary" ratings. Exemplary work does not just happen. It takes planning.

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