Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just Say NO to Canned Biscuits!

I detest canned biscuits. They are puffy, spongy wannabe originals. Southerners know. We are the connoisseurs of two things: sweet tea and biscuits. And I love both.

Growing up, my mother spoiled me. She was such a great cook, and made everything from scratch. What is even more amazing: she was also a full time teacher. I hardly ever remember a time when she took shortcuts. I know that she did on occasion, but for the most part we had homemade muffins in the morning, and homemade biscuits at dinner. As a result, my taste always leans toward homemade. As a part-time worker making homemade biscuits was no big deal. I whipped them up with the best of moms. But, lately I am horrified to admit that canned biscuits have become an almost daily staple in my house! So, how do I stop these impostors from returning to my dinner table?

Well, first I must recognize that although it's tough to manage teaching and homemaking together, it's not impossible. I just have to find  quick and easy recipes that will keep my desire for homemade biscuits alive. Today. I believe I found it. My challenge is for all working moms not to compromise on their standards, but find strategies to make the work easier. That is what I hope to do! It's those little things that make life better!

Check out Christy Jordan's cookbook, Southern Plate: Classic Comfort Food That Makes Everyone Feel Like Family

This recipe, "Daddy's Sunrise Biscuits" is quick and delicious!


1 comment:

Beth said...

They look delicious! Good job! I'm glad you remember my own efforts the way you do, although, you are correct that for a working mom, shortcuts are inevitable! As far as I'm concerned, discoverring a way to bring your best to your family within the constraints of your demanding job and long commute is like finding buried treasure!