I felt called to be a professional teacher for many years, but the opportunity of pursuing that dream did not present itself until 2010, when all the stars aligned, and I began my teaching program. The drive to succeed and make straight "A''s in my program gave me a confidence that I had not felt in many years. I loved being a student again. I loved learning all the new theories and techniques. I loved working with the kids during my student teaching. Professional teaching, my calling, was at my fingertips.
Following my degree, I thankfully secured a position teaching 6th grade ELA.
Thankful to all my new students, the collegues I work with, and especially my Principal who gave me the opportunity to fullfill my dream; I anticipate my first full semester as a professional teacher of middle grades ELA.
The purpose of this blog is for me to reflect on my technique and keep myself accountable. I believe that all educators should reflect often. It is what I miss most about my teacher program. Reflecting makes us better, and keeps our ideas fresh.
So, although I do not consider myself a "new" teacher, I am new to the profession of teaching middle grades, and I hope to continue an attitude of excellence throughout my career.
I will do this by reflecting on my work, researching new teaching techniques from other educators, attending conferences, writing for educational journals, and always pushing myself to be my very best, while also keeping a balance with my home life! Wow! Tall order, but as professionals we must stay fresh or we risk becoming stale.

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