"Click, Click, Click, Click" goes the thumbs of my
fellow graduate students, as I present my class research assignment on “diversity
in the classroom” one chilly January evening.
My eyes open and alert, I glance around the classroom, and
to my amazement all I see are the tops of their heads. "Wow!" I think
to myself, "I guess this will be a tough crowd! How can I compete over a
smart phone?" I continue my presentation walking through the aisles,
throwing out questions to the audience, but only a few take the bait. Finally,
I finish, take my seat, happy that it is over, but also a little frustrated. "Why
did the Professor allow the other students to text during the
Today, many people, adults and students find it difficult to
sit through a presentation. The desire to constantly multitask whether it be to
make out a grocery list, text a friend, or play a game on their smart phones draws
them in like Pooh Bear to that last bit of honey. Despite the desire, many
listeners don't realize the damaging message that they are sending to the
Furthermore, it seems that this problem has broadened into
the realm of the corporate workplace. An article printed by The New York Times
entitled, “Mind Your Blackberry or Mind Your Manners,” states, “It is customary now for professionals to
lay BlackBerrys or iPhones on a conference table before a meeting — like
gunfighters placing their Colt revolvers on the card tables in a saloon. It’s a
not-so-subtle way of signaling ‘I’m connected. I’m busy. I’m important. And if
this meeting doesn’t hold my interest, I’ve got 10 other things I can do
instead.’ ”
With these struggles going on within the walls of college
campuses as well as the corporate boardrooms of America, how can we, as
teachers seeking excellence, translate the importance of quality listening
skills to the classroom?
To be sure, we must first look to the standards. The common core standards require that all
students be required to present and listen effectively within the classroom. Many times, the focus within the classroom
tends to lean toward the speaking component; requiring students to get up in front
of an audience and be graded on their ability to present well. However, with so
much attention applied to the speaker, it can be easy to overlook what it means
to be an effective listener. The common core addresses this by stating, “All students should prepare for and
participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse
partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and
persuasively.” Therefore, the listening standards must be met.
Additionally, to meet these standards, teachers must
incorporate the listening standards into the lesson plans daily. This can be
accomplished through a number of ways, and there are numerous resources to help
in accomplishing this goal. One great resource is the Teaching Channel.
Recently, one particular video caught my eye that would be great in any

This video demonstrates the proper use of the Socratic
seminar, but also emphasizes the need to create a safe culture where students
feel free to share their thoughts, which is important for successful speaking
and listening. According to the article, “10 Tips to Effective and Active
Listening Skills," written by Susie Cortright, “Active listening is really an
extension of the Golden Rule. To know how to listen to someone else, think
about how you would want to be listened to.”
Finally, as teachers seeking excellence, we must model
effective listening skills ourselves every day in and outside of the classroom.
Within the classroom, we should be in the habit of listening to our students as
best we can. They need to feel that what they say has
value. Of course, this must be done
appropriately, but it is important that students feel that their opinions
count. Furthermore, what we do outside the classroom matters, too. Students
are always watching us, and we must set the example by listening and
collaborating with our colleagues respectfully, staying off our phones during
meetings unless necessary to the agenda, and always keeping the golden rule of
listening in mind, “always listen to others the way you would want to be
listened to.”